Fruit Harvest
TurnuvaFruit Harvest
Toplam ödül
1 200 $
Etkinlik tarihleri
27.11 - 04.12

Turnuva hakkında

Kiwano, durian, rambutan, chempedak and carambola are not foreign swear words. They're exotic fruits that we either don’t have here, or that’ll cost you an arm and a leg. So the club decided it was time to create its own produce, something mouth-watering, non-perishable and highly profitable. The end result was a hybrid of a banana and two pears, whose shape would likely scare off any prospective buyers. So, we buried the experiment and spent the remaining budget on our Fruits tournament!A sweet 1 200 $ prize fund is ready and waiting for some hungry players to come along and sink their teeth into our slots to win juicy prizes!

The tournament starts on Monday at 16:00 UTC and ends next week at 15:00 UTC.

Prize fund: 1 200 $


• Open any game on the tournament page
• Qualify by playing 10 spins with a stake of at least 0.3 $ per spin
• Once you have qualified, bets of at least 0.3 $ will score you tournament points,whereas bets below this threshold won't count
• The winners will be the 10 players with the most tournament points
• You can track your progress through the widget on the right-hand side of the full version of the website

Turnuva sonuçları

1AhmadElm***3 217 690400 $
2celil_kar***2 076 124.7300 $
3Cenun***1 567 489150 $
4muske***1 196 772.5100 $
522690***1 135 37970 $
6Ozle***1 127 953.760 $
7ilkay.say***992 540.550 $
8tertog***624 32330 $
9al***496 813.125 $
10yusufmu***479 062.515 $
Hiç bir şey bulunamadı

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